Health Resources and Therapies
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The information on this page was obtained from various consumer-oriented Medical Newsletters. It is presented for informational and research purposes only. Transformation Technologies can not guarantee the accuracy of information on this page. This information should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your health care practitioner before you start a new health care regimen. Even though many of the products listed below are naturally formulated, they can have powerful effects on the body and some products, supplements, herbs, etc. could potentially have adverse interactions with prescription medications. The URL links listed may have changed in some cases. Also, please note that we do not sell any supplements or remedies. We do have a list of some favorite supplement suppliers at the end of this page. Be sure to scroll through this entire page to find the health tips you need. Topics are presented in a basic alphabetical order.

Alternative Health Newsletters, Health Resources

David Williams, M.D. -  monthly alternative health newsletter, targeted health formulas and supplements
Jonathan Wright, M.D. - - Tahoma clinic in Kent, Washington.  Medical clinic, nutritional health formulas and supplements

Jonathan Wright, M.D. - - monthly alternative health newsletter.  Back issues on-line for subscribers

Julian Whitaker, M.D. - - Feel comfortable with important health information and advice from Dr. Whitaker. For more than 30 years, Dr. Whitaker has been helping people to live longer, healthier lives with exclusive health supplements and wellness medicine.
Dr. Bruce West, D.C. -
publishes a monthly alternative health newsletter. Dr. West is a chiropractor who has successfully treated thousands of patients using the nutritional food formulas of - Standard Process - according to Dr. West, most heart disease is caused by various Vitamin B deficiencies. His newsletter gives protocols for addressing all types of heart disease.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski Clinic - - anti-neoplaston therapy for many kinds of cancer.  Very high success rates reported for brain cancer & more.

Life Extension Foundation - - Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine - monthly magazine, on- line medical treatment protocols, supplements, smart drugs.

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients - - very readable reports on alternative treatments and medical breakthroughs.
Weston Price Foundation - - health resources, educational and diet resources based upon the research of Weston A. Price.
What Doctors Don't Tell You - - on-line health newsletter. Features a convenient search window to enter medical conditions.
World - - this site is an organization dedicated to Anti-Aging Medicine and Advanced Preventive Care with a focus on Energy Medicine and other Non-Pharmaceutical approaches to health and prevention. Sponsors medical conventions, resource library, Doctor referral database, instructive video links and much more.

Prescription Drugs - direct from Canadian supplier. Top selling prescription drugs made in the U.S.

ACAM - the American College for Advancement in Medicine - Laguna Hills, California - 949-583-7666 or 800-532-3688. The ACAM website has a directory of alternative health care practitioners around the United States.

Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine - Dr. Martha Grout, M.D.
- a center for Integrative Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona. Holistic therapies for some 300 different conditions - cancer, heart disease, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, breast thermography, ADHD, allergies, autism, chronic pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disease and more. Contact - 9328 E. Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ. 85260. Phone - (480) 240-2600. Website -

Agora Health Books - Agora publishes numerous books on Alternative health topics -

Directory of German Cancer Clinics
- order this book as a digital download or a hard cover copy - filled with the latest medical breakthroughs for cancer treatments that are NOT allowed in the United States.

Directory of German Cancer Clinics - for a direct referral to a German Cancer Clinic, contact - Veramedica Institute, in Munich, Germany - Direct Phone dialing from the U.S. - 011-49-8964-7296 or E-Mail them at - They have English speaking staff and can direct you to the appropriate clinic that has the highest rates of success for your type of cancer. Top U.S. celebrities, politicians AND medical doctors get their treatments using the latest alternative therapies at the German clinics while you are left with the barbaric choices of chemotherapy and radiation!

IAT Clinic - PO Box F-42689, Freeport, G.B., Bahamas 99999. Phone - (242)352-7455

Energy Medicine University - offers on-line correspondence degrees and certifications in many fields of energy medicine therapy for health professionals and anyone with an interest in healing -

EMF Shielding Products

EMF Safety Store
- purchase EMF field detectors and a large selection of shielding products to protect against cell phone radiation, microwave and more. RF shielding paint, cloth, bed canopy shielding fabric, RF and microwave window shielding and much more -

EMF Shielding Materials - dramatically reduce EMF strength from Microwave, RF, Television, etc. Protect against Smart Meter and Cell Tower Radiation.

EMF Shielding Paints
- carbon fiber impregnated EMF absorbing paint. Paint your walls inside the house opposite from Smart Meter installation. This special "paint" can be painted over with regular water based paints. No one will even know it is there. Attenuation of 36dB with one coat and 43dB with two coats. For frequencies up to 18GHz. -

Smart Meter Shield - a metalic shield you can install around your Smart Meter that will deflect a portion of the non-ionizing radiation away from your living area. This product is for outdoor Smart Meter installation. When combined with interior products, such as EMF shielding paint, the combination should reduce any Smart Meter radiation to very minimal amounts. -

Dr. Joseph Mercola - FREE on-line medical newsletter, Video archives, Health Blog - line of supplements -
Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D. - FREE on-line health resources web site with natural health solutions and information on hundreds of health topics. Over 2,000 pages of information. - website featuring discussion groups for all kinds of alternative therapies -
Self Improvement from - is the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement on the Internet.
Skyland Trails - a mental health facility in Georgia offering support and services for depression, bi-polar disorder and more.

Jeff Rense  - information source for leading edge thought and events in Alternative Health, Politics, Science research & more.

Medical Cost Comparisons - New Choice Health
- is a website that presents cost comparison information around the U.S. for the most common medical diagnostic procedures and more. Save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the identical procedure for MRI, CT Scans, outpatient procedures and more -

Surgery Center of Oklahoma - a concept whose time has come. The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is a Physician-Owned medical and surgical facility that is owned by 40 of the top surgeons and anesthesiologists in central Oklahoma. They actually publish their bottom line cost rates for dozens of surgical procedures on the web site. The rates are extremely reasonable, even without any insurance coverage. Many common procedures cost less than the yearly cost of medical insurance premiums and deductables.

MME - Magnetic Molecular Enhancer - a revolutionary therapy for cellular repair and regeneration
It has thus far been successful with a wide variety of ailments such as spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke impairment, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, congestive heart failure, and orthopedic conditions involving bone and joint repair.
Developed by Dr. Dean Bonlie of Calgary, Canada. See this article for more information and a listing of MME locations.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapies - directory of Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers -
or -

Insurance for Health, Beauty and Fitness Professionals

Massage Therapists Insurance
Description: Massage Liability Insurance Group (MLIG) provides Massage Therapist, Massage Therapy Students, and Massage Therapy Schools with Massage Liability Insurance.

Yoga Insurance

Description: The National Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicines provides cosmetic insurance, salon insurance, beauty shop insurance, Fitness instructor insurance, Yoga teacher insurance, esthetician insurance, and cosmetology insurance to CAM professionals.

Ozone Therapies - Ed McCabe -

Rife.Org - Royal Rife Information website -
The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing - by Nehah Sylver (Nina Silver) -

Rife Frequency Lists -

Rife Convention Videos - video presentations from past years of International Rife Convention -

Smart Drugs Offshore Pharmacy - - U.K. supplier of Smart Drugs and Anti-Aging Formulas.  Large selection

Fluoride Dangers - National Research Council - review of fluoride health dangers -
also -
Fluoride Action Network -

Dr. Hardy Limeback - President - Canadian Association for Dental Research - speaks out on the dangers of Fluoride in toothpaste and water.

SOY DANGERS - a good introduction to the dangers of Soy products. Video and text by Dr. Joseph Mercola -

Vaccination and Adverse Drug Interaction Information

Autism / Vaccination Link - researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, administered Macaque monkeys the equivalent dosage of childhood vaccinations (adjusted for body weight and age) and observed that many of the monkeys developed all of the classic characteristics and symptoms of Autism. Nevertheless, medical authorites continue to insist that all of the mandatory childhood vaccinations are safe and effective and have no link to conditions such as Autism or ADHD, etc.
Read more about this story at - Natural -

National Vaccine Information Center

How To Legally Avoid Vaccines
- information from Dr. -

Drug Information - informative web site with A to Z listings of popular prescription drugs. Information regarding drug side-effects, Recalls and much more.

Worst Pills - Best Pills - excellent website for information, side-effects, multi-drug interactions, drug alerts and more.

Drugs to avoid for patients over age 65 -

Tramadol Addiction
Source of information about the Tramadol drug.Information on Uses and & Side Effects -

EcoSmart Technologies - world leader in botanical pesticide solutions for Home, Garden, and Agricultural applications -

Medical Dictionary - free on-line medical dictionary with Alphabetical listing and definitions of diseases -

FDA Admits They Lack The Resources to Protect the Public

Alternative and Natural Therapies 

When calling these suppliers, please be sensitive to their situations in regard to their products and Do not ask them if their product will cure your cancer or other disease.  Do your own research and consult your Medical Doctor or licensed health practitioner before using any of these products. Suggested dosages are not the recommendation of Transformation Technologies.  They are taken from the supplier's website or abstracted from one or more consumer alternative health newsletters. Please be aware that even so-called "Natural" remedies, herbs or supplements can have powerful effects on their own and some supplements have the potential to produce adverse health effects when combined with certain prescription medications. Do your research!

The listings below are not an endorsement of any particular product or company.  Some product listings may be exclusive to just one company.  In other cases, a quick web-search may find alternative suppliers for your favorite product.  This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Do your own research and consult with your medical practitioner before adding to, reducing, mixing or discontinuing any prescription medications.  Products are referenced in terms of the condition they support.  By compiling this list, we are not stating or implying that any listed product is an effective cure, treatment or prevention for any disease or condition.  Individual links may be expired.  In that case, try a web search under the product name for alternative suppliers.

ADD/ADHD - Dr. Mary Ann Block, M.D.
- Specialising in the treatment of learning disorders, ADD/ADHD without drugs. Books, articles and resources.

ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

An Italian medical study revealed that high doses of lithium carbonate could delay the progression of ALS. Over the course of the 15 month study, the ALS patients taking lithium showed little, if any progression of their symptoms. The study was published in - Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 08;105:2052-2057 Lithium is known to protect nerve tissue in the brain and it can actually stimulate increased growth of brain cells. It also has the ability to remove some heavy metals, such as aluminum, from the body. References - Neuroscience 03;117:55-61 and Neuropsychopharmacology 00;23(S2):S39 and Lancet 00;356:1241-1242. Supplemental lithium in low doses, in the form of lithium orotate or lithium aspartate is available from a number of suppliers including - The Vitamin Shoppe - Also available from Dr. Jonathan Wright's Tahoma Clinic -

Alzheimers and Brain Health

Protecting the brain against normal age-related decline, alzheimers, dementia, etc.  While there are no known cures for these conditions.  A number of nutrients & supplements have shown to produce improvements over a wide range of cognitive functioning and can even slow down (sometimes dramatically) various measures of mental deterioration.  Alzheimers and Dementia Patients need to work with an experienced, licensed medical practitioner for proper diagnosis, testing, treatment, dosages, possible drug interactions and follow-up evaluations. The items below are only a simple list.  Please do your own research or consult a medical professional to determine the proper dosages and combining of various supplements. The items listed are presented in a randomized order and not in any particular order of importance or claims of effectiveness.  There are good brain support formulas available from many sources such as the Life Extension Foundation at -   Dr. David Williams - Mountain Home Nutritionals at -

Alzheimer's Symptoms Reversed within MINUTES - according to an article in the Belfast Telegraph, researchers at the Institute for Neurological Research at the University of California used an arthritis drug for an off-label treatment of 50 alzheimers patients and an amazing 45 out of 50 showed a response....sometimes within minutes. In one dramatic case, a patient who had not recognized his wife for several years, suddenly recognized her. According to the wife, her husband is now coherent 90% of the time. The drug is called - Etanercept. The common trade name is - Enbrel. Read the original article here -

Heavy Metal Toxicity - is a known risk factor for Alzheimers. There are numerous products that advertise the ability to reduce heavy metal contamination from the body and brain. Some of these natural products are listed on page 3 under the title Heavy Metal Detox.

Alzheimer's Treatment Breakthroughs

Coconut Oil - read this account of an Alzheimer's patient symptoms being reversed by consuming coconut oil. Use only unrefined oil -’s-disease/

Niacinamide - a form of vitamin B3 - exciting and ground-breaking research at the University of California, Irvine, has demonstrated a complete reversal of alzheimers symptoms in MICE. Specially bred laboratory mice with the same clinical brain condition of human alzheimers, were given 2,000 to 3,000mg. of Niacinamide daily for only four months. (Important - this is NOT regular Niacin, which is different from Niacinamide). They experienced a complete reversal of memory loss and performed as well as normal mice on a series of tests. Niacinamide also improved the memory of non-affected mice. While mice are not human, these same effects may be possible in human alzheimers patients. These studies are now under way with the same research team. They will be giving 1,500mg. niacinamide two times per day with a test group and a placebo group. Niacinamide is very inexpensive with few minor side effects in some individuals (mild nausea) and these dosages are very low with no toxicity. Some medical authorities recommend 1,000 milligram capsules taken three times daily. One should look for formulas without additives, colorants, preservatives, etc. Medical reference: JNeurosci 08;28:11500-11510 (journal of neuroscience).

Vitamin B in high doses slowed the rate of brain shrinkage in dementia patients by up to 53 percent according to a new Oxford University study. Patients were given high doses of simple B vitamins (Folate (four times the daily recommended dosage), B6 and B12 (about 300 times the daily recommended allowance of B12). Complete story at -

Read a review of this research plus advice on reducing your chances of developing Alzheimer's - Dr. Joseph Mercola -

Alzheimer's + Chlamydia Pneumonia connection - researchers found that 90% of Alzheimers patients tested had brains infected with Chlamydia Pneumonia - a common pathogen.  The Herpes Simplex virus has also been isolated in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients.
Flu Vaccine Alzheimers connection - research shows a correlation of higher rates of Alzheimers among patients who have received the common Flu vaccination 5 years or more in a row.  This may be due to the mercury and aluminum toxic metals used as preservatives in the vaccines.  Many prominent medical doctors now claim that Flu shots are totally worthless -

Acetyl-L-Carnitine - preserves verbal abilities, verbal memory and logical intelligence. Overall cognitive enhancer
Alpha Lipoic Acid - anti-oxidant, fat & water soluble - may help slow down the advance of neuro-degenerative diseases.  In a recent study, Alzheimers patients given 600mg. ALA daily for a  period of 1 year were found to have stabilized cognitive function with no additional loss.  ALA is non-toxic & found in health food stores. The R-ALA form of Lipoic Acid is superior.

Ashwaganda - a commonly used herb in Indian Ayurvedic Medicine, ashwaganda is considered an adaptogen. According to researchers, it works to boost a particular protein produced by the liver. This protein, in turn, is released into the blood stream and into the brain where it helps clear away the amyloid plaques seen in alzheimers.
Informational website for Lipoic Acid and various health concerns - also

Cilantro - common herb found in produce section of supermarkets.  Has been shown to remove heavy metal toxins from the body & brain.  One-half cup chopped cilantro daily for several weeks.

Essential Fatty Acids - Omega-3 Polyunsaturated oils - are powerful anti-inflammatories.  Found in Fish Oils (ideally, use molecularly distilled fish oils that do not contain mercury) canned sardines and other fish. Vegetarian sources include Flax Oil, walnuts and many other nuts. See this listing of Omega 3 oil sources from Tufts University -
EGCG - green tea extract of concentrated catechins (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - taken in standardized extract potency capsules - EGCG demonstrates the ability to reduce the formation of destructive Beta Amyloid protein in laboratory mice by over 50 percent. A suggested daily dosage for humans is 1,500 mg. per day to achieve these benefits. Available under various brand names in almost every health food store. Another way to benefit from EGCG is to drink white or green tea daily, but one would have to drink about 12 cups per day.

Galantamine - daffodil flower extract - extends the activity of acetylcholine.  Dramatically improves cognitive abilities in Alzheimers patients. Proven results from dozens of Human medical  trials including Double-Blind Placebo groups. Available as a natural supplement, or as an FDA approved prescription under brand name - Reminyl  -by Janssen Pharmaceutica.  Ask your  doctor about this.  Has some minor side effects. Available in natural supplement form called - GalantaMind - from Life Enhancement Products - (800) 543-3873 - 

Ginko Biloba - increases cerebral blood flow and oxygenation, helping memory. Italian researchers have demonstrated that 160mg. daily dose of Ginko works just as well as the popular Alzheimer's drug - Donepezil (Aricept) - more information -
Glutathione - powerful anti-oxidant and neutralizer of toxins, especially for the liver, lungs and kidneys
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) - is a pre-curser for Glutathione. It is less expensive than purchasing Glutathione.

Huperzine A - (also known as Chinese Club Moss) - improves memory & learning. Neuro-protective activity

Lecithin - supports health brain and liver function and increases blood levels of choline, which the body uses to make acetylcholine

Lithium Orotate - (or Lithium Aspartate) protects brain cells against toxic elements . Helps mental and mood disorders, restores normal brain function damaged by alcohol.  Lithium protects against Glutamate over-stimulation to help relax the brain.  It has been demonstrated to actually help grow new brain cells (as reported in Lancet - from a Wayne State University study). In animal studies, lithium was able to block an enzyme required for the formation of Amyloid-beta plaque deposits that clog up the brain.  Deposition of amyloid-beta plaques was reduced by 40 to 78 percent!  Most people are familiar with lithium as a drug used in treating bi-polar disorders. Lithium is actually not a drug, but a naturally occuring mineral related to sodium and potassium.  The form of Lithium used to treat manic-depressive disorders is called lithium carbonate. When used in the form of lithium orotate or aspartate, used in much smaller doses of  10 to 20 mg. per day, lithium is very well tolerated and has many benefits for protecting the brain. Supplier & more information - Dr. Jonathan Wright's Tahoma Clinic at -

Malic Acid - is a heavy metal chelator that removes aluminum from the brain.  The ideal dosage as used in medical studies was 24 mg. day.  Length of  patient trials was 3 to 6 months or follow label directions.

Padma Basic - an Auyervedic Indian herbal formula that claims to improve cerebral circulation and gradually dissolves blockages in capillaries, veins & arteries - Supplier - EcoNugenics  (800)308-5518 0r
Phosphatidylserine (PS) - essential fatty acid keeps brain cell membranes fluid & pliant.  Improves memory. Dosages of 100 milligrams 3 times daily.

Resveratrol -  the heart-healthy component found in red grapes and responsible for the health benefits of red wine.  Resveratrol offers many benefits for the heart and circulatory system.  Laboratory research shows that Resveratrol promotes the breakdown of beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimers.  Note that this was observed in a laboratory setting and not in  human or animal testing.  The reference for this research is - (J Biol Chem 05;280(45):37377-37382).
Sources - Longevinex brand offers capsules sealed in nitrogen to prevent oxidation -
Turmeric/Curcumin - powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant. In recent animal studies at the University of California, the Amyloid Plaques, like those found in Alzheimers patients were reduced by more than 40 percent in animals given Curcumin (a compound found in Turmeric). Inflammation and free-radical damage was also reduced. It is known that people in India have the world's lowest incidence of Alzheimers.  The use of turmeric in preparing Indian curries may explain this.

Vinpocetine - similar to Ginko - increases cerebral blood flow and oxygenation.

Vitamin K-2 - said to prevent and treat many diseases, including osteoporosis and heart disease. The Vitamin K1 form is found in green leafy vegetables such as Kale and Lettuce. The body converts this to K2. Also, Vitamin K-2 is found in the fermented Japanese Soy product called Natto, where this is made as a result of bacterial action. This is available as a supplement called Nattokinase. Natural food sources include egg yolks. Vitamin K2 has the unique ability to literally remove calcium deposits from the lining of arteries and veins, thereby, gradually stripping away the arterial plaques forming atherosclerosis. The process can take a couple of years in serious cases. However, unlike so many heart surgery temporary "fixes", this method (combined with permanent changes in lifestyle habits, diet, weight, etc.) actually addresses the cause of problem. Vitamin K-2 also works to fix calcium to bones, which is a great benefit for women and men with osteoporosis. There are several forms of K2 including MK4, MK7, MK8 and MK9. The preferred form is K2/MK7. This type of vitamin K2 stays in your body longer than the other types. It is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called Natto. Another excellent natural food source of vitamin K2 is X-Factor Gold - High Vitamin Butter Oil. See below for sources of this product. Vitamin K2 is also involved in the natural regrowth of veins around blocked veins and arteries. This is nature's way of making repairs to the heart vascular system, rather than the less than effective by-pass operations.

An excellent overview on the role of Vitamin K can be read at the website of Life Extension Foundation -

A full discussion of Vitamin K by Dr. Joseph Mercola -

Twentieth Century researcher - Dr. Weston A. Price, researched the elusive X-Factor (as he called it) that was found in special high vitamin butter oils from rich grasslands. This X-Factor was subsequenctly found to be Vitamin K2. Read this fascinating story at -

Caution - people taking blood thinners such as Coumadin or Heparin should not take Vitamin K without consulting their doctor.

Allergy Relief / Asthma

SOME FRIGHTENING INFORMATION - in a recent review of 19 studies, involving some 34,000 people, researchers from Stanford and Cornell Universities observed that asthmatics using popular inhalers (containing the drugs serevent, advir or foradil) were 2.5 times more likely to be hospitalized AND 3.5 times more likely to DIE from an asthma attack than patients using a placebo inhaler.  What this means, is that out of the approx. 5,000 deaths attributed to asthma each year in the U.S., an estimated 4,000 deaths are actually CAUSED by the very drugs used to treat the condition!  (note: we are not suggesting that your throw your inhalers in the trash).  Be informed about any medications you are taking.  If you don't like the side-effects, then look for less harmful alternatives.

Asthma and Nuts - in a medical study, pregnant mothers who ate nuts on a daily basis increased the risk of their children developing asthma by 50%. Their children experienced a 42% increase in wheezing and a 58% increase in shortness of breath. The immune systems of unborn children and babies up to the age of three are undeveloped and sensitive to the allergens in nuts. After age of three, most children can handle nuts, unless there is an actual allergy involved.

Water as a cure for Asthma? - according to medical researcher, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. - Asthma is a symptom of dehydration in the body.  Dr. B. is the author of the fascinating book called - Your Body's Many Cries for Water - .  Dr. B. is deceased, but his ground-breaking and proven methods are detailed in his book.  There is also a website about his water research at

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, water dehydration causes the body to increase histamine that constricts the bronchioles in an effort to conserve water loss from exhalation of the breath.  Dr. B. states that asthma can be reversed and prevented by simply drinking 8 to 10 (8 ounce) glasses of water per day - with a pinch of sea salt.  Contrary to the low-salt diet fad, Dr. B. recommends 1/2 teaspoon of salt per day for proper functioning of the body.  Ideally, this should be natural celtic sea salt containing many minerals.  Salt effectively breaks up mucous and phlem in the lungs.  Dr. B. suggests trying 1 glass of water and a pinch of salt on the tongue at the first sign of wheezing.  In many cases, this is said to stop the asthma attack. Do not think you are drinking water, when in fact, you are drinking cans of diet sodas, coffee, tea, orange juice, etc.  These do not count towards your 8 glasses per day.

Proper Breathing Asthma Therapy - learning to breathe properly can significantly improve asthma symptoms for many people. Read about the method of Dr. Buteyko at - 
Information on treating Asthma naturally -  includes DVD & booklets - (or call 877-278-4623

Asthma cure? - a one-time treatment with this technique is said to offer long term relief and in some cases, a total cure for asthma. An injection containing Procaine is inserted into trigger points in the middle of each shoulder blade. The procaine (which is a local anesthetic) relaxes bronchial passageways. To find out more about this therapy, contact - American Academy of Neural Therapy in Seattle, Washington (425-637-9339) for a referral to a doctor in your area that’s trained in this technique. Website -
Oralmat - from Australia.  Natural herbal product with no listed side effects derived from Ryegrass.  Medical trials are underway in Australia.  Anecdotal patient reports claim the product is so effective that allergy & asthma sufferers can greatly reduce or even eliminate normal medication / inhalers. Adults asthmatics get significant relief after 3 to 4 weeks and children respond much faster.  Allergy symptoms may improve within minutes of use.
Allergy Research Group - Alameda, CA. (800-545-9960)  Internet - 

Advanced Nutritional Products - Gaithersburg, MD. (800-232-3536)  Internet -

Oralmat is said to produce broad-spectrum results for numerous conditions including:

* Chronic fatigue - symptoms abate within 7 to 10 days
* Asthma

* MS patients - dramatic reduction in fatigue & fewer relapses

* Cold and Flu - symptoms said to disappear within HOURS of administration.

* Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis - rapid improvement, even within MINUTES of use for some individuals

* Sinus Headaches - rapid drainage of congested sinus passages relieves headaches

AllerPhase - a formulation of 10 traditional Chinese Herbs to relieve nasal & sinus congestion, watery, itchy eyes & irritated respiratory tissues.  Fast relief within minutes for many common allergies including allergy-induced Asthma attacks.  AllerPhase is said to help desensitize the body against allergens & helps rebuild your immune system.  Many people claim permanent  immunity from allergy-inducing agents after using just 1 bottle of AllerPhase.
Supplier - Tango Advanced Nutrition (866)778-2646 -

Yamoa Powder - for Asthmafrom the bark of an African tree.  Anecdotal reports claim high rate of effectiveness in relieving asthma symptoms within seven to ten days. Yamoa powder comes in a small 30 gram container. The entire container contents can be mixed with a one pound jar of honey. Take one teaspoon of the mixture in the morning and one teaspoon in the evening. Use for 30 days, even if there is improvment sooner than that.
Supplier in U.K. -

Anti-Oxidants and Immune Boosters

Alpha-Lipoic Acid - powerful anti-oxidant for liver and many other uses.  Potentiates vitamin C and E, chelates heavy metals. A more expensive and potent form is R-Lipoic Acid
Ashwaganda - Herbal Extract - and Indian herb known as Withania Somnifera - according to some of the literature, this herb is able to accomplish the following: reduce anxiety, reduce serum cortisol, increase DHEA, reduce C-Reactive protein (a marker for inflammation), reduce fasting blood glucose levels, reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and Raise HDL (good cholesterol). Ashwaganda is also said to increase testosterone levels. No references or citations are given for these seeming miraculous claims, so you need to do your own research on this one.
Co-Enzyme Q10 - contributes to healthy heart function, helps normalize blood pressure, reduces gum inflammation & much more. The superior form of CoQ10 is called - Ubiquinol - this form is much more stable and does not oxidize as easily. It may be more expensive, but a lower dosage of 50 to 100 mg. can be more effective than several hundred mg. of the Ubiquinone form. Inexpensive CoQ10 capsules are usually an orange colored powder. This form is called a - Ubiquinone - and it oxidizes quickly and is not well absorbed. A good brand of CoQ10 is available from - Advanced Bionutritionals at 800-728-2288. Their product also contains Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine.
Glutathione - powerful anti-oxidant and neutralizer of toxins, especially for the liver, lungs and kidneys
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) - is a pre-curser for Glutathione. It is less expensive than purchasing Glutathione.
Green Tea Extract - EGCG - green tea extract of concentrated catechins (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - taken in standardized extract potency capsules - EGCG demonstrates the ability to reduce the formation of destructive Beta Amyloid protein in laboratory mice by over 50 percent. Also inhibits the spread of cancer formation in prostate cancer. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and helps with weight loss for dieters. EGCG is also protective of the endothellial cells lining the blood vessels. This reduces inflammation of the vessels. A suggested daily dosage for humans is 1,500 mg. per day to achieve these benefits. Available under various brand names in almost every health food store. Another way to benefit from EGCG is to drink white or green tea daily, but one would have to drink about 12 cups per day.
Ginko Biloba Extract - powerful anti-oxidant. Normal dosages 120mg. per day in divided doses.
More info:
Lycopene - anti-oxidant found in tomatoes.  Especially helpful for prostate health

Lutein - known for improving over-all eye health & Macular Degeneration.  Found in leafy greens and eggs
Ecklonia Cava - a brown Korean seaweed with an ORAC value of over 8,000 when concentrated in formulas such as Dr. Stephen Sinatra's - SEANOL - capsules. Recommended for use in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, joint pain & more. While Seanol is a formulated brand of Ecklonia Cave, the seaweed itself can be purchased in bulk, raw form and there are many other formulas and supplements that contain various concentrations of Ecklonia. We do not have a listing of all brands, so do your research. Seanol is available from - - 1-800-219-8593. Also available under a formulation called - Alginol - from Advanced Bionutritionals -
Ellagic Acid - anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in numerous fruits and vegetables. Especially high in raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, walnuts, grapes
Milk Thistle - known for its liver detoxifying abilities
Medicinal Mushrooms - MycoPhyto Complex - immune building mushroom complex including Maitake, Reishi, Cordyceps, Royal Agaricus, Polyporus, Turkey Tail - supplier is Advanced Bionutritionals at -

EpiCor - nutritional yeast concentrate - increases the efficiency of the immune system, but is not an immune system stimulator per se. EpiCor is highly concentrated and comes in capsule form. Suppliers include - Vitamin Research Products at or Healthy Origins - at
Olive Leaf Extract - powerful natural anti-biotic properties against virus, bacteria, yeast, parasites

Oregano Oil - fights infections, virus, candida. Supplier - numerous suppliers on the internet and local health food stores. A powerful brand is - Biotics ADP.
Pycnoginol - anti-oxidant from French pine bark for healthy skin, cardiovascular health, inflammation and more

Quercetin - anti-oxidant flavonoid found in many fruits & vegetables - onions, citrus, apples, green tea, grapes

Resveratrol (red grape extract and found in red wines) - resveratrol is the only known plant extract known to extend life expectancy. Available from numerous suppliers. Longevinex - (866)405-4000 or

Resveratrol is best known for its healthy heart benefits, but other areas of research show additional benefits:

Alzheimer's - promotes the breakdown of beta-amyloid plaques  (J Biol Chem 05;280(45):37377-37382)

Multiple Myeloma - influences the bone's stem cells resulting in increase of bone growing osteoblasts and a decrease in osteoclasts
(Cancer Res 05;65(21):9943-9952

Prostate Cancer - combination resveratrol & propolis - (Oncol Res 06;15(9):409-421)

Selenium - a mineral anti-oxidant.  Research suggests relationship between low selenium levels and increased risk of various types of cancer . Daily supplement recommendations are anywhere from 55 microgram per day to 200 microgram, depending upon the authority. Selenium is also known to reduce infectious viral activity in Hiv/Aids as well as other viruses. The richest food source of selenium is found in Brazil Nuts, where two Brazil nuts can supply an average of 53 micrograms selenium. Nuts in the shell are more potent than pre-shelled nuts.
See article for more information:

Turmeric (Curcumin) - see more info. under topics for Alzheimer's or Cancer. Curcumin is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory spice.
Vitamin A / C / E

Vitamin C - highly absorbable Lypo-Spheric encapsulated Nano-Spheres - the most highly absorbed form of vitamin C in micro-encapsulated lipid spheres. Better than powders, pills or buffered Vitamin C formulas. LivOn Laboratories - Henderson, Nevada. - Phone 1-800-334-9294
Zeaxanthin - along with lutein are two of the most powerful carotenoids against Macular Degeneration.  Found in leafy greens and eggs.

AHCC - (Active Hexose Correlated Compounds). A special formulation of mushroom known to increase NK (natural killer) cell activity.
AHCC Nutrients, USA -
American Biosciences -

Beta Glucan 1-3, 1-6 - powerful immune system booster that activates white blood cells


Corvalen-M / Ribose - more info. below under topic - Fibromyalgia

Body Oxygen - more info below under topic - Fibromyalgia

DARK CHOCOLATE - roasted cacao beans used to make chocolate, is nature's richest source of Polyphenols with potent antioxidant activity.  Among the actions of chocolate are : 1. Flavanol in chocolate stimulates production of Nitric Oxide, which relaxes the arteries, opening them up and reducing blood pressure. 2. decreases fasting insulin and glucose levels and  insulin sensitivity.  Studies suggest that chocolate may actually lower blood sugar. (again, we are talking about dark chocolate, not white chocolate or milk chocolate). 3. Reduces inflammation 4. Dark Chocolate has a high ORAC RATING (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) at a measure of 13,120.  Compared against raisins at 2,830 or blueberries at 2,400. 5. Dark Chocolate appears to raise the good HDL cholesterol, while having no effect upon the LDL.  The cardiovascular benefits of dark chocolate are so potent, that it was recently included in a list of heart-healthy foods, along with fish, wine, fruits, vegetables, garlic and almonds (British Medical Journal).  To get these benefits, buy only chocolate bars that contain 70 percent  cocoa or more.  There will be some sugar or sweetener in the chocolate bar and some fat content.  Suggested serving is up to 50 grams (1.75 ounces) daily.

Anxiety - there are doubtless, hundreds of techniques, supplements, exercises, etc. that address anxiety. This listing is by no means all-inclusive. Just a few ideas that one can research further: Exercise, Yoga, Breathing Techniques, EFT (emotional freedom technique - numerous listings on the internet including some free book downloads), NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Food Allergy Testing and elimination (Gluten, brain and nervous system excitotoxins, such as Glutamate, MSG, sugar, etc.) There are also factors like lack of sleep, side-effects of prescription medications, drinking too many caffeine-loaded soft drinks or coffee, etc. Some commonly over-looked factors can include Electromagnetic Field Pollution from over-exposure to consumer electronics (cell phones, computers, etc.) Fluorescent lighting, proximity to high-tension power lines, cell phone towers, etc.

Some nutritional supplements that can help are listed in no particular order of importance:

* GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid - is an inhibitory brain neurotransmitter and amino acid.
* Green Tea - contains an amino acid - L-Theanine - that naturally raises GABA levels
* 5-HTP - amino acid supplement that raises serotonin levels in the brain
* L-Tryptophan - amino acid that is used in production of melatonin and serotonin
* Kava and Valerian - herbs that promote relaxation
* Omega-3 fatty acids
* Lithium Orotate - low dose lithium orotate or aspartate. Is neuro-protective of the brain and helps with cognitive functions and calmness
* Dilantin - although mostly known as an anti-seizure medication, dilantin taken in low dosages can quiet the brain and reduce symptoms
of anxiety. Reduces negative emotional states, anger and anxiety. Dilantin is a prescrition drug and your doctor may not be familiar with this
application. For more information, see - The Story of a Remarkable Medicine - by Jack Dreyfus - on-line at


Cetylmyrestoleate (CMO) - this formulation contains completely natural oil extracted from vegetable sources and is reported to work wonders in as little as 30 days (one bottle).  In many cases, relief from arthritis symptoms is reported to be permanent.  Supplier:  many sources on the internet.
Joint Advantage - from Mountain Home  Nutritionals - formulated by Dr. David Williams (great monthly newsletter of natural remedies). Contains Australian herbs used for centuries by Aboriginal people in treating arthritis.  More info. on website. Supplier -  Tel. 1-800-8881415

Niacinamide - form of vitamin B-3 - reduces the pain and swelling of osteoarthritis. Dosage according to the research on this is 1,000 milligrams, three times a day. This also improves mental attitude and mood. Said to be very effective for majority of people. Niacinamide is NOT the same thing as Niacin.
Soothanol X2 - contains 12 pain-relieving compounds for arthritis, back pain, muscle pain.  DMSO, EMU Oil, Orange Peel Concentrate, Cayenne, St. John's Wort, MSM, Arnica & more.   Works in minutes. Order from Northstar Nutritionals in Frederick, MD. 1-800-311-1950 -

Zyflamend - by New Chapter - herbal formula with Ten herbs that are natural COX-2 Inhibitors, Anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants (Rosemary, Turmeric, Ginger, Holy Basil, Green Tea, Hu Zhang, Chinese Goldthread, Barberry, Oregano, Baikal Skullcap) Supplier - New Chapter - http://www.infonewchapter. Tel. 1- 800-543-7279

Pycnogenol - works as a Cox-2 inhibitor. Said to work as well as NSAID's for many individuals, without the liver-damaging side effects.
Fish Oils - omega 3 fish oils rich in EPA and DHA for anti-inflammatory benefits - superior brands include - Green Pasture Fermented Fish Oil using a process that removes ALL toxins and heavy metals - and Carlson's Norwegian Fish Oil - high vitamin cod liver oil from Norway. Look for these in your local health food store or on the internet. Other sources of Omega 3 oil include wild Alaskan salmon and sardines (in spring water or olive oil - not in soy bean oil).
Flax Seed Oil - purchase bottled flax oil or grind your own organic flax seeds in a simple coffee grinder. Two to three tablespoons of seeds provide a good amount of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) which is a precursor for EPA and DHA. This method also provides a high amount of daily fiber requirement for the diet.
X-Factor Gold - High Vitamin Butter Oil - rich in vitamin A and D, Activator X and the Wulzen Factor, a natural anti-stiffness factor.
Algaea-X or Seanol - derived from Korean seaweed (ecklonia cava). Dr. Haengwoo Lee tested his formula against Celebrex on 400 patients and found that Algaea-X was superior for arthritis pain relief. Also said to work for dermatitis, tendonitis muscle aches and fibromyalgia.
Supplier - Advanced Bionutritionals - 1-800-791-3395.

Autism - the main causes of Autism have been identified! Read this shocking article by Dr. Mercola on the causes and effective treatments -

Auto-Immune Disorders - MS - Lupus - RA

Naltrexone - naltrexone is a drug that is often used to help addicts withdraw from heroin.  Researchers have now discovered that Naltrexone, administered in low doses (called Low-Dose Naltrexone) can produce amazing recoveries from numerous types of cancer (including colon, prostate, melanoma, breast, ovary, brain, lung, Hodgkin's Disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  Low Dose Naltrexone seems to work even better for auto-immune diseases such as MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's Disease and others.  You have not heard of these OFF Label applications because the patent on Naltrexone has expired and pharmaceutical companies and doctors are not actively promoting this simple, inexpensive and effective treatment.  One doctor, Burton Berkson, M.D. in Las Cruces, New Mexico, used low dose Naltrexone combined with intravenous Alpha Lipoic Acid on a 46 year old patient with pancreatic cancer and metastases to the liver.  The patient is now back at work and symptom free.  Naltrexone requires a prescription and is made in low dose form by a compounding pharmacy.  Find out more about this therapy at - Two doctors that use this therapy for cancer and auto-immune disorders are: Dr. Bihari, M.D. in New York City - (212) 929-4196.  for treating Auto-immune disorders - Dr. Burton Berkson, MD, Las Cruces, NM. (505) 524-3720 or contact the Julian Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, California at (800) 488-1500. Naltrexone may be available without a prescription at the link below:
Naltrexone information, sources and links are found at -

A Novel Dental Procedure That Has Reversed MS - a dentist named Dr. Farrand Robson has developed a novel treatment for MS that has completely CURED some patients. The treatment involves the insertion of a simple dental splint for the mouth. The results can be miraculous for some patients. To locate a dentist trained in the procedure, contact Dr. Robson at (253)272-8651.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - is becoming a standard therapy in the U.K. with over 100 treatment centers. HBO therapy claims an amazing 70 to 80 percent stabilization or improvement rate. The earlier one begins treatment after being diagnosed, the better the response. The low pressure HBO at 1.3 to 1.5 atmospheres works the best. HBO therapy is available at numerous hospitals, clinics and private facilities. A home unit is now available from -
Oxy Health Corporation - - or phone 877-789-0123.

Back Pain Treatment Centers and Therapies

Back Pain Toronto - Relief For Sciatica and Nerve Pain
Description: The Low Back Clinic is the leading provider of spinal decompression in Toronto for people with chronic back pain.

Back Pain Relief - natural pain relief with these two natural botanicals - Asalixx (white willow bark extract from Germany) and Univestin (a special blend of two herbs) Both of these formulas were found as effective as COX-2 Inhibitors. In another interesting study of 360 men and women who suffered from low back pain, it was found that 83 percent were found to be deficient in Vitamin D. Significant improvements were noted when subjects were given 5,000 to 10,000 IU of Vitamin D per day for three months.

Prolozone - an effective and natural alternative to epidural steroid injections. A breakthrough in pain management for low back pain, sciatica, degenerative arthritis, disk herniation - Prolozone is a combination of oxygen and ozone mixture that is injected into painful and inflamed areas. The combination of oxygen and ozone actually treats and heals the cause of the pain & inflammation and doesn't just cover it up. Said to be more effective than cortisone or steroid injections for long-lasting relief. Dr. Frank Shallenberger is a big promoter of Prolozone and claims up to 70% of patients are substantially cured of their back pain. You can see a video interview on this therapy at - To see a list of doctors nationwide that have been trained by Dr. Shallenberger -

Bladder Infection / Urinary Tract Infection

D-Mannose - is a simple type of sugar that attracts the E-Coli bacteria (the cause of common bladder infections) that are lodged in the cells lining the bladder & urinary tract.   To use, simply add one teaspoon of D-Mannose powder to a glass of water every 3 to 4 hours.  This provides an abundant food source for the E-Coli bacteria, that they cannot resist.  They detach themselves from the walls of the bladder to feast upon the free meal of D-Mannose sugars and simply get flushed out of the bladder & urinary tract along with the urine!  You will be amazed with the rapid results.  There are NO antibiotic side-effects and no adverse affect on the beneficial bacteria.  Available in health food stores -

SSKI - Potassium Iodide - this is a very inexpensive and effective, time-tested remedy for bladder infection going back to the 1920's. Basic instructions call for 15 drops in a glass of water every three to four hours during the day time only. Repeat for 2 to 3 days and in most cases, the problem will resolve. Look for SSKI or Tri-Quench from Scientific Botanicals. Also available from Dr. Jonathan Wright's Tahoma Clinic

Bladder Control - UroLogic - from Northstar Nutritionals - 800-496-9596 -

Bleeding Control
Bleed-X- stop minor cuts & bleeding with BLEED-X  within 30 to 60 seconds - Similar products can be found at Preparedness or Emergency supply websites and even from vendors at large gun shows. There are special compression paks and bandages that can stop very severe bleeding from gunshot, lung perforations and much more.
A similar product is called - QR - and is available in many drug stores or directly from the company at - - 800-722-7559
Burns - - phone - 818-332-6445 (a Southern California number) - you MUST check out this information and resource. Keep this phone number in your speed dial on home phones and cell phones. Share this with everyone you know. Listen to the testimonials. It is nothing short of miraculous healing of burns and pain of burns beginning within minutes of calling the number. Naturally, nothing can help very traumatic burns, but this is something to have at hand all the time. Call from anywhere around the world. Instant healing is transmitted to you regardless of distance. They just ask you a few questions about yourself and the healing energy is on the way!
Burns, Wounds, Ulcerations - fast healing for open wounds and burns using Honey. (Manuka Honey is very good).  Make a gauze compress of vasoline petroleum jelly and apply onto the skin around the wound or burn. Then, apply a layer of honey over the open sore, wound, or burn and cover with gauze  Clean the area and change the dressing every two days. Faster healing & minimal scarring. For open wounds and sores that do not heal well, you can also use regular white sugar instead of honey. Cover the sore with 1/4 inch of sugar and cover with gauze. Clean the wound and change the dressing every two days, repeating the process until healed. Sugar creates an environment where bacteria cannot thrive. This method is very simple but it is medically proven to work, many times as good or better than anti-biotics. Also, bacteria such as MRSA cannot build up an immunity to sugar.

Blood Pressure / Hypertension ( also see our heading further below titled - Circulatory System & Heart Health, Stroke Prevention, Blood Pressure)

Hypertension can have multiple causes. Many people are simply born with it. There are environmental factors, stress, exposure to heavy metals and other toxins. There are around 100 different pharmaceutical medicines for treating high blood pressure and not every drug affects each person in the same way. This is why you see so many suggestions below. You will need to find what works for you.

Sugar / Fructose High Blood Pressure Connection

Dr. Joseph Mercola has some great information explaining the affect of fructose sugars on the development of high blood pressure and diabetes -

There are many ways to lower high blood pressure including weight loss, regular moderate exercise, high fiber-low-fat diet, bio-feedback, reducing alcohol and tobacco & other lifestyle changes to lower stress. Supplements that can help to lower blood pressure include: Garlic, CoQ10 (Q-Melt brand) (100-200 mg. daily) Nattokinase, Hawthorn (360mg. daily) Omega 3 fish  oil (4,000 - 5,000 mg. daily) Magnesium (500 - 1,000 mg. daily) Potassium, L-Arginine (500 - 1,000 mg. daily)  the Auyervedic remedy PADMA.  Celery Juice - a glass or two of celery juice each day (or eating several stalks of celery) may significantly help lower blood pressure. Low Sodium V-8 Juice - 12 oz. per day can keep blood pressure in check for many people.
Beet Juice - researchers at Queen Mary University, London, reported that high blood pressure was returned to normal levels within only 24 hours when individuals were given just a bit over 8 ounces of beet juice. This is a safe, inexpensive way to normalize blood pressure. How does this work? Beet juice happens to contain a fair amount of nitrate. This is converted by the body into nitric oxide, which works to relax and dilate the smooth muscles lining the blood vessels. As a bonus, beet juice is a powerful anti-oxidant and liver detoxifier. Erectile Dysfunction drugs also work by prolonging the activity of nitric oxide. One would need to experiment with plant-based nitric oxide or supplement sources in order to achieve this specific desired effect. However, at least there is not the danger of sudden loss of vision as advertised by these drugs. Another great way to get the benefits of beet juice without having to drink it everyday, is by taking a supplement containing beet root powder. The supplement is from Advanced Bio-Nutritionals - and is called NEO40 Daily - order at -

- a proprietary blend of Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 and a Nitric Oxide Blend of (beet root powder, Hawthorn Berry Extract, L-Citruline, Sodium Nitrite. These fast dissolving tablets raise the Nitric Oxide levels in the blood and dilate the capillaries and veins to help normalize blood pressure - purchase from - Norcross, Georgia. Phone - 1-800-791-3395

L-Arginine - another product that increases nitric oxide is called - ProArgi9 - which contains the amino acid L-Arginine plus a number of other heart-health ingredients. L-Arginine combines with enzymes released from the endothelial layer of cells in veins, capillaries and arteries, to produce nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Read more at -

Standard Process
- Cardio-Plus - read about this at - (phone - 800-333-9942 or 954-722-8086

Kyolic - Odorless Aged Garlic Extract - with nattokinase and Suntheanine - Blood Pressure Health Formula 109 - order from - phone - 1-800-421-2998

Viral cause for hypertension - researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have found that a virus called CMV (cytomegalovirus) is a cause for "essential" hypertension that seems to have no discernible cause. The CMV virus affects between 60 to 99 percent of adults worldwide. CMV is also linked to atherosclerosis. CMV was found to switch on the gene that makes Renin enzyme. Elevated Renin raises the levels of ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme - which, in turn, causes your blood pressure to go up. Finally, the researchers also found that the CMV virus increased the hypertension causing protein called Angiotensin11. The newsletter recommended various oxidative therapies to eliminate the CMV virus, including UBI - ultra violet blood irradiation, hydrogen peroxide IV therapy, ozone therapy. We would like to add that electrotherapy instruments may also do the job. Researchers such as Rife, Beck and Clark may have found an inexpensive answer for this difficult problem. Please note that as such a large majority of the population carries the CMV virus, that obviously not all cases of hypertension can be attributed to this cause.
Balance3 - a mix of Chinese herbs that effectively lowers blood pressure for many individuals. Locate in most health food stores.
Olive Leaf Extract - effectively lowers borderline blood pressure for many individuals. Locate in most health food stores. A good product is the BARLEAN liquid fresh pressed Olive Leaf Complex. Available at health food stores or on-line at -
Water as a Cure for Hypertension - Surprisingly, chronic water dehydration could be the cause of high blood pressure for many people.  This can often be reversed by drinking 8 glasses of water per day and engaging in daily moderate exercise, such as walking.  This simple formula has been advanced by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Author of the book - Your Body's Many Cries for Water.  Published by - Global Health Solutions, Inc. P.O. Box 3189.  Falls Church, VA. 22043.  Tel. (703) 848-2333  ISBN 0-9629942-5-1.  Dr. B. is now deceased, but a website with this information is located at -
Zona Plus - is a joy-stick shape handgrip device that lowers blood pressure simply by squeezing the hand grip for two minutes, rest a minute, squeeze, rest. A digital readout tells you how hard to squeeze and when to relax. Performing this exercise for 12 minutes a day, 5 days a week, is said to lower blood pressure up to 14 points. This is as effective as prescription blood pressure medications.....but without any side-effects. Zona Plus exercise stimulates the release of Nitric Oxide from the endothelial cells lining the arteries. Nitric Oxide is a powerful vasodilator that causes the arteries to relax, thus lowering blood pressure. Order at (800) 364-7378
Fish Protein Peptides - have been shown effective as ACE inhibitors.  There are products such as Vasotensin and PeptACETM. Peptides are composed of a mixture of nine small peptides (amino acids) derived  from muscle of the Bonito fish which lowers blood pressure by inhibiting ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme), responsible  for the constriction of blood vessels. The peptides have the ability to relax the arterial walls and reduce fluid volume in your arteries more effectively because they are absorbed intact rather than broken down by digestive  enzymes.  These products do not lower normal blood pressure. 

Vasotensin - 

Fish Oils - fish oils rich in EPA and DHA (Omega 3 fatty acids) have anti-inflammatory benefits, help against blood platelet aggregation, lower blood thickness (viscosity) improve arterial elasticity and improve the condition and health of the endothelial cells lining all veins - superior brands include Carlson's Norwegian Fish Oil and Green Pasture brand Blue Ice - fermented and emulsified, high vitamin cod liver oil. The Blue Ice brand is made through a special fermentation process that completely eliminates contaminants. It retains all of the natural vitamins instead of having them removed in processing and then re-added later. Blue Ice brand is only available from a U.S. company called Green Pasture. Their website is - Other sources of Omega 3 oil include wild Alaskan Salmon and Sardines (in spring water or olive oil - not in Soy Bean oil).
Krill Oil - a very high quality source of Omega 3 - EPA, DHA, Oleic Acid (Omega 9 ) and Linoleic Acid (Omega 6). Sourced from the tiny shrimp-like crustaceans called Krill. Also contains the potent anti-oxidant known as Astaxanthan (known for imparting the orange pigment to the flesh of Salmon). We found a good brand to be offered by Olympian Labs - called Krill Oil. It contains 60, 1,000mg. softgels and also offers 1.5mg. Astaxanthin. There are some formulas that only add a small amount of Krill Oil to various types of regular fish oils. Olympian Labs -
Flax Seed Oil
- purchase bottled flax oil or grind your own organic flax seeds in a simple coffee grinder. Two to three tablespoons of seeds provide a good amount of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) which is a precursor for EPA and DHA. This method also provides a high amount of daily fiber requirement for the diet.
Vitamin D-3 - it is known that people living in tropical climates generally have lower blood pressure than people in Northern lattitudes.  This is due, in part, to the greater amount of sunshine and the subsequently higher levels of vitamin D in the body the closer one gets to the equator.  Blood serum levels of vitamin D among tropical dwellers is commonly in the range of  60 ng/ml.  Using vitamin D to lower your blood pressure could take several months to reach its full effectivenss.  The recommended dosages are within the range of 4,000 to 10,000 IU daily.  One can over-dose on vitamin D supplements and this can lead to elevated levels of calcium in the blood. So it is best to work with your doctor when using this approach.  Getting 15 to 20 minutes a day of sunshine also raises vitamin D levels naturally and one cannot over-dose vitamin D synthesis with natural sunlight due to the self-regulating mechanisms of the body.  However, getting vitamin D from sunlight during the Winter months is not as effective as during the warmer months of the year. This is when using a vitamin D supplement is useful. Also, use of a tanning bed can be beneficial. In this case, be sure to use a tanning bed with a newer digital ballast and not the magnetic type in order to avoid electromagnetic field pollution. Vitamin D is similar to a hormone and is manufactured through interaction of sunlight on the skin and cholesterol. Patients taking stating drugs can lower their cholesterol, but in the process, if cholesterol levels become too low, a Vitamin D deficiency could result. So, we see how many functions of the body are inter-related. Sometimes, tampering with one aspect can have negative effects in other vital areas. Read this abstract on the role of vitamin D on the RAS system (Renin-Angiotensin system) . This shows how vitamin D supplementation (or vitamin D produced by the body from sunlight) works to reduce high blood pressure. (note: you will need to copy and paste this link)
Lycopene - from tomatoes, lowers blood pressure. This includes tomato suace and paste, spaghetti sauce, pizza suace, etc.

Niacin - an article in the Life Extension Foundation newsletter - Using Niacin To Improve Cardiovascular Health - Information regarding types of Niacin, Dosages, Effects and Protocols for usage.
Potassium Chloride - for some individuals, lowering blood pressure may be as easy as substituting potassium chloride for table salt. This salt substitute is found at most grocery stores.

Other Causes for High Blood Pressure

Heavy metal toxicity can be a cause for essential hypertension - hair analysis is not the most accurate method of testing for heavy metal contamination.  A hair analysis test can come back negative and you could still have heavy metal toxins stored in bones.  A Chelation Test is the most accurate test for the presence of heavy metal toxins and Chelation Therapy is the method used to remove the heavy metal. Look for an alternative health practitioner in your area who knows how to perform these treatments. A listing may be found through the organization called ACAM -  Laguna Hills, California - 949-583-7666 or 800-532-3688
Stress - for some individuals the solution may be found in lifestyle adjustments - learning proper breathing and posture, various Biofeedback devices can help, meditation, yoga, moderate exercise, reduced alcohol consumption, weight reduction and many other approaches.

Spinal Misalignment - can be a hidden cause of high blood pressure. In particular the Atlas (C-1) misalignment often causes high blood pressure. Researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center demonstrated that correcting C-1 misalignment resulted in lowering of Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure as effectively as blood pressure medicines and with NO side effects! This is a specialized adjustment and not every chiropractor is familiar with this connection of C-1 to blood pressure. Make sure that the chiropractor you select is familiar with this procedure.

Viral cause for hypertension - researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have found that a virus called CMV (cytomegalovirus) is a cause for "essential" hypertension that seems to have no discernible cause. The CMV virus affects between 60 to 99 percent of adults worldwide. CMV is also linked to atherosclerosis. CMV was found to switch on the gene that makes Renin enzyme. Elevated Renin raises the levels of ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme - which, in turn, causes your blood pressure to go up. Finally, the researchers also found that the CMV virus increased the hypertension causing protein called Angiotensin 11. The newsletter recommended various oxidative therapies to eliminate the CMV virus, including UBI - ultra violet blood irradiation, hydrogen peroxide IV therapy, ozone therapy. We would like to add that electrotherapy instruments may also do the job. Researchers such as Rife, Beck and Clark may have found an inexpensive answer for this difficult problem. Please note that as such a large majority of the population carries the CMV virus, that obviously not all cases of hypertension can be attributed to this cause.
Ecklonia Cava - a brown Korean seaweed with an ORAC value of over 8,000 when concentrated in formulas such as Seanol - or Alginol capsules. Recommended for use in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, joint pain & more. While Seanol is a formulated brand of Ecklonia Cave, the seaweed itself can be purchased in bulk, raw form and there are many other formulas and supplements that contain various concentrations of Ecklonia. We do not have a listing of all brands, so do your research. Ecklonia Cava is available under the brand name - Seanol from - Advanced BioSolutions - 1-800-219-8593 or under the brand name - Alginol from - Advanced - 1- 800-791-3395

QRS PEMF Mat - pulsed electromagnetic field therapy - products such as QRS magnetic field therapy mat ( - helps to relax blood vessels, promotes improved oxygenation and release of Nitric Oxide.
BCX Ultra Deluxe - Rife frequency system with options for Pemf Mat and Far-Infrared Therapy Mat ( Helps relax muscles and improve circulation.

Bowel Problems - Colitis - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Leaky Gut Syndrome

Seacure - is an easy-to-absorb protein concentrate of nearly 100% assimilable nutrients naturally derived from deep-ocean white fish. Seacure fish protein concentrate provides a  pre-digested source of bioactive peptides and biogenic amines, along with essential minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. These protein elements, essential to proper hormonal, immune, and neurological functions, are provided by Seacure in their simplest forms and therefore are readily absorbed by the body. Studies indicate that by allowing the body to easily assimilate these essential proteins, Seacure helps to support the cells in your gastrointestinal tract and regulate bowel functions.  Available at major health food stores and internet.  Compare for best prices.

Health care practitioners report success with Seacure in a wide spectrum of applications, including:

Chronic Diarrhea 
Crohn’s Disease 

Ulcerative Colitis - according to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Author of the book - Your Body's Many Cries for Water, Colitis pain is a water-thirst signal from the body and is due to dehydration.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Malabsorption (Leaky Gut) Syndrome 

Enteric Nutrition for Surgical Patients 

Protein Intolerance 

Wound Healing 

Chemotherapy Support

Constipation Symptoms

Symptoms of constipation include abdominal pain, bloating, hard and dry stool, straining and bleeding of the rectum


Vitamin B12 -
injections of vitamin B12 at 1,000 micrograms daily, are said to eliminate bursitis. Major relief can be noticed within 3 to 4 days. According to the article, vitamin B12 is administered daily until the pain goes away. There is a liquid form of B-12 in a sub-lingual form that is highly absorbable. The brand is from Solgar and it comes in 2,000 microgram dropper dosages. Look for this on-line or at your health food store.

Formulas and Nutrients for Healthy Circulation

Homocysteine - Lowering Supplements - 1,000 micrograms daily Folate, vitamin B6 - 50 milligrams daily and 1,000 microgram B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. If you are not getting B12 injections, the second best option is the liquid B12 sub-lingual supplement from Solgar. Look for this at your health food store.

Homocysteine and Thyroid LInk - elevated homocysteine is a marker for potential heart problems. Homocycsteine is created when the amino acid - methionine - is broken down in the body. A healthy body breaks down homocysteine with the help of vitamins B6, B12 and Folic Acid. Therefore, these B vitamins are often recommended in order to get homocysteine levels under control. Interestingly, in some cases, the underlying cause of elevated homocysteine is not a lack of B vitamins. Rather, the cause may be an under-active thyroid. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, found that elevated homocysteine levels could be corrected by normalizing thyroid activity....AND without the need to administer B vitamins. The citation for this is - Annals of Internal Medicine - 99;131:348-351

It may be a good idea to have the proper tests to rule out thyroid problems before simply swallowing handfuls of B vitamins. There are natural products that help support a healthy thyroid - such as liquid Iodine drops of a product found in most health food stores, called Iosol, along with natural glandular extracts such as Thytrophin. Always consult with your medical doctor or naturopath before self-administering products like this as dosages, as well as a proper diagnosis are vitally important when it comes to the thyroid gland. As a general guide, many people will experience good results with four drops a day of Iosol in a glass of water, or just one drop of Iosol daily along with three tablets of Thytrophin, spaced out throughout the day. Again, this is only a very general rule. The thyroid is a very important gland and you should not create imbalances in its functions due to casual usage of iodine products or glandulars. Seek the guidance of a qualified medical doctor.

Circutol - from Advanced Bionutritionals -
Complete Neuro-Vascular Support - from Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. - helps protect blood vessels and nerves, improves blood circulation. For product ingredients and complete information -
Daily BP Support - from Advanced Biosolutions -
Heart Advantage - from Dr. David Williams -
Total Cardio Cover - combination formula of Nattokinase and Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
BP Essentials - from Dr. Julian Whitaker - Julian Whitaker, M.D. - - Feel comfortable with important health information and advice from Dr. Whitaker. For more than 30 years, Dr. Whitaker has been helping people to live longer, healthier lives with exclusive health supplements and wellness medicine.
Circulation Solution - order at 1-800-471-4007. This is a Nattokinase/Circulation supplement.
Padma Basic - an Auyervedic Indian herbal formula that dramatically improves circulation and gradually dissolves blockages in capillaries, veins & arteries
Supplier - EcoNugenics (800) 308-5518 0r  or

ProFibe - grapefruit Pectin - said to help clear arterial blockages over time.
Nattokinase - fermented soy curd - a potent fibrinolytic. Promoted in alternative health circles as a supplement to help maintain healthy circulation, blood pressure, reduces blood platelet aggregation (which is different from coagulation), plaque build up, stroke and angina prevention. A rich source of vitamin K2 (check the label as some brands may have the vitamin K removed) - helps with proper transport of calcium into bones and away from soft tissues. Vitamin K interferes with the activity of blood thinners, therefore, one should be cautious when combining Natto with natural or pharmaceutical blood thinners - even including aspirin. Patients taking prescription blood thinners should not use Natto supplements without consulting with their doctor. A good explanation of the role of Vitamin K can be read at -
Vitamin K-2 - said to prevent and treat many diseases, including osteoporosis and heart disease. The Vitamin K1 form is found in green leafy vegetables such as Kale and Lettuce. The body converts this to K2. Also, Vitamin K-2 is found in the fermented Japanese Soy product called Natto, where this is made as a result of bacterial action. This is available as a supplement called Nattokinase. Natural food sources include egg yolks. Vitamin K2 has the unique ability to literally remove calcium deposits from the lining of arteries and veins, thereby, gradually stripping away the arterial plaques forming atherosclerosis. The process can take a couple of years in serious cases. However, unlike so many heart surgery temporary "fixes", this method (combined with permanent changes in lifestyle habits, diet, weight, etc.) actually addresses the cause of problem. Vitamin K-2 also works to fix calcium to bones, which is a great benefit for women and men with osteoporosis. There are several forms of K2 including MK4, MK7, MK8 and MK9. The preferred form is K2/MK7. This type of vitamin K2 stays in your body longer than the other types. It is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called Natto. Another excellent natural food source of vitamin K2 is X-Factor Gold - High Vitamin Butter Oil. See below for sources of this product. Vitamin K2 is also involved in the natural regrowth of veins around blocked veins and arteries. This is nature's way of making repairs to the heart vascular system, rather than the less than effective by-pass operations.
L-arginine - a natural amino acid that increases the release of nitric oxide which helps dilate blood vessels, thus improving circulation. Can be used to treat ED - erectile dysfunction, starting at 4 grams per day, working up to 8 grams over a period of several weeks.
Niacin - has shown to reduce blood vessel thickening with 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Check the various types of niacin such as the time-release and make sure this is right for your condition. Niacin may raise blood sugar levels in some individuals.

Alternative Cancer Research - Therapies - Formulas - Supplements

The information listed below is given for research purposes only.  We do not give any medical advice and do not make any recommendations

AMAS Cancer diagnostic test - Oncolab - - a mail-order blood test that detects the specific antibody present in many types of cancer.  Claims 98 percent accuracy rate and earliest cancer detection.  No biopsy involved.  Tel. 617-536-0850.  Call for address of clinics and doctors in your area familiar with the test. There are some major draw-backs to the AMAS test. The test results are non-specific for the type of cancer a person may have and it also cannot identify where the cancer is located.

Natural Immune Sytem Boosters and Anti-Oxidants:  the supplements listed below are offered for research purposes.  They are not given as medical advice

Chronic Inflammation
- can contribute to the development and spread of cancer. There are numerous substances in the daily American diet that are powerful inflammatory agents. Among these are the majority of cooking oils found on supermarket shelves. Peanut oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil soybean oil and canola oil have all been shown to promote inflammation.

Natural Anti-inflammatories that help to Suppress the Development and Spread of Cancer

Resveretrol (found in red and white grapes. The healthy part of wine) * Quercetin (found in onions, apples) * Curcumin (Turmeric) * Ellagic Acid (found in walnuts and pomegranate extract) * Hesperidin (a flavonoid found in citrus) * Magnesium * Selenium (brazil nuts are high in selenium) * Vitamins C and E * Anthocyanidins (grape seed or pine bark extract) * Ferulic Acid - read more at - * Boswellia * Aged Garlic Extract * Modified Citrus Pectin (look for product called - Pectasol-C made by Econugenics - (800)521-0160

Parasites as a cause of Liver Cancer - Scientists in Australia have found that the human liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) contributes to the development of liver cancer by secreting granulin, a growth hormone that is known to cause uncontrolled cell growth. Hasn't Dr. Hulda Clark been telling us this for many years? Naturally, these researchers failed to acknowledge Dr. Clark's contributions. Now we have independent proof and we also have affordable tools to approach this problem with the Vari Zapper and Vari Gamma devices from Dr. Clark Research. These products are available through this web site. Also, Dr. Bob Beck's Silver Pulser is an excellent tool, which is available on this web site.
The original article may be seen at -

Information Sources and Supplements for Healthy Immune System

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski Clinic - medical breakthrough in cancer treatment in FDA supervised trials of  Anti-neoplaston therapy -   No Radiation, No Chemotherapy, Non-toxic therapy that is proven at least 7 times more successful than mainstream approaches.  Many astounding recoveries from advanced brain cancers, liver cancer,  breast and prostate cancer.  This therapy uses a group of naturally occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives known as antineoplastons.  Dr. Burzynski has pioneered research on antineoplastons showing that they act as molecular switches, “turning on” genes that suppress tumor growth and “turning off” genes that promote tumor growth.

Camelot Cancer Care Inc. - alternative cancer treatment clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma that uses intraveinous DMSO. No drugs, radiation or chemotherapy. Contact Camelot at - or phone - (918) 493-1011. Address is - 6804 South Canton Suite 110, Tulsa, OK. 74136

Dr. Julian Whitaker - Julian Whitaker, M.D. - - Feel comfortable with important health information and advice from Dr. Whitaker. For more than 30 years, Dr. Whitaker has been helping people to live longer, healthier lives with exclusive health supplements and wellness medicine.

Directory of German Cancer Clinics
- order this book as a digital download or a hard cover copy - filled with the latest medical breakthroughs for cancer treatments that are NOT allowed in the United States.

Veramedica Institute, in Munich, Germany - Direct Phone dialing from the U.S. - 011-49-8964-7296 or E-Mail them at -
They have English speaking staff and can direct you to the appropriate clinic that has the highest rates of success for your type of cancer. Top U.S. celebrities, politicians AND medical doctors get their treatments using the latest alternative therapies at the German clinics while you are left with the barbaric choices of chemotherapy and radiation!

Cancer Tutor - alternative information website with dozens of pages and links -
What Doctors Don't Tell You - on-line health newsletter. Features a convenient search window to enter medical conditions -

Healing Cancer Naturally - an alternative therapies website with protocols, herbs, supplements etc. -

Life Extension Foundation - treatment protocols, supplements, health reports and more -
Get Healthy Again - source for information and supplements, alternative therapies and more -

Supplements and Formulas - not listed in any particular order. Transformation Technologies has no relationship or affiliation with any of the products listed below. We do not personally endorse or claim the effectiveness for any of the listed products as a prevention, therapy, treatment or cure for any disease. The products in these lists are compiled from various alternative health newsletters over several years. Please do your own further research

AHCC Immpower - by American Biosciences - increases (NK) Natural Killer cell activity by over 300 percent. Comes in 500mg capsule. -or-
Alpha Lipoic Acid - powerful anti-oxidant.  Helps recycle & regenerate other anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and E. ALA is a universal antioxidant.
Artemisinin - for supporting healthy immune system -  OR from Nutricology at (800-545-9960).
Aminocare A10  -  Anti-neoplaston therapy - formulated by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D. - ordering : (800) 856-8006 OR Aminocare is a special formulation of amino acids (peptides) and other ingredients that work at the genetic level to selectively activate tumor suppressor genes and by shutting off oncogenes (the genes that signal cancer to divide).  These chemical switches also enhance immunity and confer increased resistance to viruses and auto-immune disorders.  Users of Aminocare A10 report more energy and stamina and relief from numerous symptoms.  Aminocare A-10 is a general formula available without prescription.  Individuals with diagnosed  cancer may enroll in Dr. Burzynski's program at his Texas clinic (combination of in-patient and out-patient therapy) for individualised  Anti-Neoplaston therapy.
Avemar (also called - Ave)  - this is a natural food supplement derived from a specially fermented wheat germ developed in Hungary .  Avemar's many benefits apply to numerous types of  cancer. Clinical trials have shown Avemar reduces cachexia (condition of weight loss and wasting seen in cancer patients), it inhibits glucose metabolism in cancer cells (depriving them of their energy), it strongly stimulates the immune system and inhibits spread of cancer cells (metastasis).  Avemar is also very powerful in restoring red blood cell production in bone marrow  following radiation & chemotherapy. Avemar was featured in the  Sept. 2005 issue of Alternatives - subscription health newsletter from Dr. David Williams -   Avemar is produced in Budapest, Hungary .  U.S. Supplier -The Harmony Company, PO Box 93, Northvale, N.J. 07647  Tel. 888-979-3099 - Internet  -
Maharishi amrit kalash - an Indian Auyervedic food supplement formulation of herbs and minerals that claims to reduce chemotherapy side-effects such as vomitting and appetite loss. Available online at - or phone - 800-255-8332.
Beta Glucan / Cell Forte - immune system boosters. Read more at -

Bryomixol - is a line of natural medical products from El Salvadore, with energizing and immuno-stimulating properties, based on the combination of various substances of vegetable and mineral origin at different concentrations, diluted in a neutral medium. More information at -
Baking Soda (bicarbonate) - Dr. Tullio Simoncini from Italy, has developed what he claims is an effective cancer therapy using sodium bicarbonate. According to Dr. Simoncini, many kinds of cancer are actually fungal infections and bicarbonate of soda is a powerful and effective anti-fungal agent. It also kills off the Candida fungus that binds tumors together and allows them to multiply. Some of Dr. Simoncini's colleagues alternate the bicarbonate therapy with high dose IV Vitamin C. The therapy is said to eliminate localized tumors and metastatic cancers within days to several weeks, without chemotherapy or radiation or surgery! According to Dr. Simoncini, the claims that bicarbonate of soda works because it alkalyzes the body are not correct. He states there is no correlation between acid/alkaline balance and cancer. Of course, many researchers have differing opinions about tissue acidity and cancer. There is no directory of medical doctors in the U.S. who offer this simple treatment. One may have to travel to Italy and pay their own expenses for treatment. Please note that one cannot simply consume baking soda from the grocery store and obtain these kind of results. Dr. Simoncini's web site is -
Cesium Chloride - this is a powerful alkalizer, which is detrimental to cancer -
Chlorine Dioxide - Jim Humble's "Miracle Mineral" - see complete info. & Free E-book -
MMS (chlorine dioxide ready to use mixtures) -
CLA - conjugated linoleic acid - a form of Omega 6 fatty acid (found in high levels in organic dairy, red meat) available in capsule form - get Tonalin Brand of CLA - has been shown to possibly inhibit growth of breast cancer and inhibit tumor growth and metastasis in existing cancers.  CLA is also widely promoted as an aid for weight loss around the mid-section of the body.
CoQ-10 - use capsules or product called Q-Melt that is mixed with oil.  Dry, powdered version of CoQ-10 is not very effective - CoQ-10 is a cellular energizer that is very protective for the heart and other organs. 

Carnivora - is a preparation made from the Venus Flytrap plant, developed by German physician, Dr. Helmut Keller, in the 1970's. As many people know, the Venus Flytrap plant is able to digest its prey without harming itself. Dr. Keller discovered that an extract from this plant could "digest" malignant cancer cells in a similar fashion. Carnivora is claimed to be helpful in cases of cancer, Lyme disease, Hepatitis C, arterial blockages, infections and even allergies. European researchers state that Carnivora stimulates the activity of white blood cells and promotes apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Dosing rates vary according to the condition being treated. Please research the use of this product prior to using as it may not be suitable for some patients - Supplier - or call - (866)836-8735 or (203)532-0957.
Flax Seed (freshly ground) or Flax Oil & Yogurt  - protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany - Read her information in the book by William L. Fischer - How to Fight Cancer & Win - by Fischer Publishing Corporation. Library ISBN Number - 0-915421-18-6. Flax seed has shown to reduce breast tumors in some animal studies. Dr. Budwig's program includes a special dietary regimen in addition to the flax seed oil and yogurt.
Caution - flax seed and flax oil are excellent sources of Omega 3 fatty acid in the form of ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid).  However, some authorities state that the ALA component of Flax seed or Flax Oil may actually INCREASE the risk of Prostate Cancer. A major study published by the Harvard School of Public Health - involving 15,000 physicians found that men with the highest  levels of ALA had nearly a 300 percent increase in their risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer.  Your body still needs Omega 3, so the solution may be to take the DHA and EPA forms found in cold water fish such as salmon, herring, sardines and tuna.  To ensure that you receive the purest form of this essential oil, that is free from any heavy metal contaminants, take a product that says 'Molecularly Distilled' on the lable.  This should be available in the refrigerated oils section of your health food store.  One such product you can  order on line is called - NEUROMINS - distributed by Martek Biosciences Corp.  Available from GNC nutrition stores or see list of distributors at:
Other High Quality Fish Oils - Carlson's Norwegian Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil, and Blue Ice - High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil available at -

Fish Oils - there are too many benefits for DHA and EPA fish oils to list here. 
See this website for more information -
A couple of good brands include - Carlson's Norwegian Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil. Available at health food stores. Cod Liver oil, as the name implies, comes from the liver and is high in Vitamin A and D, whereas Fish Oil is from the body flesh of the fish. Both are good sources of EPA and DHA essential fatty acids. Flax seed oil contains ALA, which the body converts to EPA and DHA.
Krill Oil - a very high quality source of EPA, DHA, Oleic Acid (Omega 9 ) and Linoleic Acid (Omega 6). Sourced from the tiny shrimp-like crustaceans called Krill. Also contains the potent anti-oxidant known as Astaxanthan (known for imparting the orange pigment to the flesh of Salmon). We found a good brand to be offered by Olympian Labs - called Krill Oil. It contains 60, 1,000mg. softgels and also offers 1.5mg. Astaxanthin. There are some formulas that only add a small amount of Krill Oil to various types of regular fish oils. Olympian Labs -
Blue Ice Fermented High Nutrient CLO (Cod Liver Oil - Omega 3 & 6 - EPA & DHA - 2- 4 capsules daily. This is a very good quality oil with all of the natural vitamin A and vitamin D. The oil is a deep red/brown color and is cinnamon flavored. In capsule form. -
Flax Seed Oil - purchase bottled flax oil or grind your own organic flax seeds in a simple coffee grinder. Two to three tablespoons of seeds provide a good amount of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) which is a precursor for EPA and DHA. This method also provides a high amount of daily fiber and Lignans.

Green Tea Extract - EGCG - green tea extract of concentrated catechins (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - taken in standardized extract potency capsules - EGCG demonstrates the ability to reduce the formation of destructive Beta Amyloid protein in laboratory mice by over 50 percent. Some research suggests it may inhibit the spread of cancer formation in prostate cancer. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and helps with weight loss for dieters. EGCG is also protective of the endothellial cells lining the blood vessels. This reduces inflammation of the vessels. A suggested daily dosage for humans is 1,500 mg. per day to achieve these benefits. Available under various brand names in almost every health food store. Another way to benefit from EGCG is to drink white or green tea daily, but one would have to drink about 12 cups per day.
Glutathione  (GHS) - a tripeptide of three amino acids - cysteine, glycine and glutamine - a  powerful antioxidant, immune system booster and liver detoxifier - Naturally raise your Glutathione levels by taking supplements of the amino acid Cysteine (glutathione precurser) in the form of Whey Protein or a more concentrated supplement such as - Immunocal - or  Cysteine Pep.   Suppliers - Immunocal - or Cysteine PeP - NutriCology. Additional reading: 
Haelan 951 - Fermented Soy beverage -

Hydrazine Sulfate - article by Dr. Joseph M. Gold - developer of Hydrazine Sulfate as an anti-cancer drug.  - Note that the research on the product - Avemar - claims the same benefits (plus more) as Hydrazine Sulfate and Avemar is totally natural and non-toxic.
P-6 - inositol hexaphosphate (phytic acid) - a powerful immune system stimulator. Note: It can also effectively bind with heavy metals and minerals including iron, copper, calcium, lead, cadmium and mercury. IP-6 does not remove minerals such as sodium, potassium or magnesium. IP-6 is considered extremely safe. Being a chelating agent, it should not be taken on a long-term basis as this could lead to a deficiency in iron or calcium. Pregnant women, children, or anemic individuals should not take IP-6. Note: if you are iron anemic, do not use this protocol as IP-6 chelates iron.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy
- cancer cells have up to 15 times more insulin receptors than normal cells and are known to utilize glucose at much higher levels than healthy cells.  The glucose is transported into the cells by insulin.  Insulin potentiation therapy increases the permeablity of cancer cells and greatly increases the absorption of chemotherapy drugs into the cancer cells on a selective basis, without the usual harmful effects to healthy cells.  Smaller dosages of chemotherapy chemicals can be administered, but with an amplified effectiveness hundreds of times greater than traditional chemotherapy.  Used with many types of cancer. More details are available in this article: . Insulin Potentiation Therapy Cancer Treatment - list of Medical Doctors and Clinics -
Lithium for Increasing White Blood Cell Count increases white blood cell counts to normal levels in chemotherapy and radiation patients (even if the person continues those treatments).  Lithium achieves these effects by stimulating the stem cells in bone marrow, which then turn into platelets and white blood cells. For cancer treatment patients - be certain to use this product only under the supervision of your medical doctor.
Low Dose Naltrexone - (LDN) Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist and has been traditionally used in opiate/heroin withdrawal. More recent applications include its use in treating a wide range of auto-immune conditions, such as MS and many types of Cancer. LDN has relatively few side-effects. More information and numerous links are found at -

MMS - Jim Humble's Chlorine Dioxide - or Miracle Mineral Solution - download Jim Humble's Free E-book at -
MMS (chlorine dioxide ready to use mixtures) - or phone - 1-816-682-6425 or 1-816-726-7667
Another supplier for ready to use mixtures is -
Medicinal Mushrooms - a formula containing the most effective medicinal mushrooms for a healthy immune response - contains a proprietary blend of Coriolus, Reishi, Agaricus, Cordyceps, Umbellatus, Maitake and Beta 1,3 Glucan. All combined in a convenient capsule called MycoPhyto. Available from - Advanced Bionutritionals - 1-800-791-3395.
Modified Citrus Pectin - inhibits cancer metastasis (spreading of cancer) note: do not use regular powdered fruit pectin found in health food need the specially formulated MCP.

Pectasol - Modified Citrus Pectin - EcoNugenics - main U.S. distributor - (800)521-0160. Detailed information on the newest product called PectaSol-C is available at:
Alternative supplier - Advanced Nutritional Products -   Gaithersburg, MD. (888)436-7200  or  (800)232-3536 
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) - supplement that increases Glutathione levels & is less expensive than taking Glutathione.  Also, Immunocal, Cysteine Pep and Whey Protien supplements increase Glutathione levels (see Glutathione above for more info.)

Lymphedema - Low Dose Naltrexone has been suggested by some for reducing or eliminating lymphedema in some cancer patients whose lymph glands have been removed.
Naltrexone - naltrexone is a drug that is often used to help addicts withdraw from heroin.  Researchers have now discovered that Naltrexone, administered in low doses (called Low-Dose Naltrexone) can produce amazing recoveries from numerous types of cancer (including colon, prostate, melanoma, breast, ovary, brain, lung, Hodgkin's Disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  Low Dose Naltrexone seems to work even better for auto-immune diseases such as MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohon's Disease and others.  You have not heard of these OFF Label applications because the patent on Naltrexone has expired and pharmaceutical companies and doctors are not actively promoting this simple, inexpensive and effective treatment.  One doctor, Burton Berkson, M.D. in Las Cruces, New Mexico, used low dose Naltrexone combined with intravenous Alpha Lipoic Acid on a 46 year old patient with pancreatic cancer and metastases to the liver. Allegedly, the patient is now back at work and symptom free.  Naltrexone requires a prescription and is made in low dose form by a compounding pharmacy.  Find out more about this therapy at - Two doctors that use this therapy for cancer and auto-immune disorders are: Dr. Bihari, M.D. in New York City - (212)929-4196.  For treating Auto-immune disorders - Dr. Burton Berkson, MD, Las Cruces, NM. (505)524-3720.
Paw Paw - do not use Paw Paw without doing your research. Paw Paw is not a regular nutritional supplement intended for long-term use -
Poly MVA - supplier source - - Developed by leading biochemist and pioneering researcher, Dr. Merrill Garnett, Poly-MVA is the first in a new category of supplements called Palladium Lipoic complexes (LaPd). A proprietary blend of palladium, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins B1, B2 and B12, and specific trace minerals and amino acids, Poly-MVA represents a significant breakthrough in supplement formulation. Electrogenetics is the basis for designing medicines that can short circuit the electrical charges in cancer cells and produce their selective electrocution. Poly MVA distrupts only ANEROBIC cells in the body and results in programmed cell death of Cancer cells and other anerobic cells
Resveratrol - the powerful anti-oxidant in red grapes (and red wine).  Researchers in Denmark found Resveratrol effective in multiple myeloma cancer.  Resveratrol triggered the death of cancer cells and also stimulated regrowth of bone-building cells (osteoblasts) Reference: (Cancer Res 05;65(21):9943-9952)
Rainforest Herbs - formulas from the Rainforest - large selection of products -
Transfer Factor - by 4Life - increases NK Killer Cell activity -  Manufacturer website -

Research & Purchase -
Sauerkraut - regular consumption of Sauerkraut is reported to eliminate Colon Polyps. Has the benefits of other fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, etc.

Sarvapisti -  scientists of the D.S. Research Centre, Varanasi, led by Prof Shiva Shankar Trivedi and Dr Uma Shankar Tiwari claim to have developed an ayurvedic medicine Sarvapisti, which cures life-threatening cancer. Based on a new concept of nutrient-based medical therapy, Sarvapisti claims to have cured thousands of cancer patients in their advanced stage of disease. The tests on this medicine were conducted by the centre in the past. The patients are now leading a normal life without any stigma of cancer, a spokesman said. Sarvapisti has been developed from the ancient science of nutrient energy. It is prepared from the natural food material, which strengthens the body immunity to drive out the disease. The scientists of the centre discovered the methods to get nutrient energy at laboratory level from food in 1978. They prepared several medicines by isolating nutrients form different groups of food, which provide curative effect for many chronic diseases during scientific observations.  The preparation is shipped from India.  Cost is around $3,000.00 per month.

 DS  Research Centre
 281,  Sector 19, 


 Tel No 0129-5225336, 5296382

 D.S. Research Centre
 Benaras Hindu University

 BHU- Benaras UP

 Tel No. 0542-276097 276098

Turmeric - this common Indian cooking spice is a powerful immune-boosting, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. When combined with bioflavinoids, Curcumin ( a compound  found in Turmeric) has been shown to inhibit the growth of estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells by up to 95 percent. Citation - (Environ Health Perspect 98;106(12): pp. 807-12.  We just read about another use for Curcumin (an ingredient found in Turmeric) for skin cancer - mix a capsule (available in health food stores) of Curcumin with a capsule of Artimisinin (see above ref.) along with a little DMSO (70 percent dilution) to make a paste.  Apply twice daily onto skin carcinomas.  Curcumin has been demonstrated to suppress many types of cancer cell  lines in laboratory testing.  Curcumin product called Super Curcumin is available from Life Extension Foundation -  We are not aware of any research using this approach for Melanoma skin cancers.
Vitamin C - intraveinous Vitamin C in high doses is toxic to cancer cells.  Vitamin C generates Hydrogen Peroxide, which is deadly to cancer cells.  Find a doctor in your area by contacting  ACAM - the American College for Advancement in Medicine -  Telephone in Laguna Hills, California - 949-583-7666 or 800-532-3688

Vitamin C - highly absorbable Lypo-Spheric encapsulated Nano-Spheres - better than powders, pills or buffered Vitamin C formulas. Read more at Available from LivOn Laboratories - Henderson, Nevada. - Phone 1-800-334-9294.

Vitamin D-3 for Immune Support and Cold and Flu Prevention

A number of sources report that Vitamin D-3 deficiencies may be involved with up to 22 different types of cancer. Standard suggested dosages of 400 to 800 IU are considered inadequate to protect the average individual living in Northern climates with insufficient Winter sun exposure. Some leading alternative health medical doctors are now recommending dosages of around 8,000 IU daily. Temporary dosages of 5,000 IU per every 25 pounds of body weight per day is claimed to help prevent cold and flu. The dose for children is 1,000 IU per 25 pounds of body weight. According to Alternatives - newsletter writer, Dr. David Williams, doses at these levels are not toxic.  Also, when possible, get 15 to 20 minutes per day of direct sunlight on large exposed areas of skin (not just the face or hands or arms).  Two recent meta-analyses comparing blood levels of vitamin D-3 with Breast Cancer and Colo-Rectal Cancer showed the highest risk of cancer with the lowest levels of vitamin D-3.  As vitamin levels increased, cancer risk decreased.  The findings were so strong that the researchers concluded that increasing vitamin D-3 levels could actually prevent TWO -THIRDS of  all colorectal cancers and HALF of breast cancer cases!  This is an amazingly easy and inexpensive preventative for these types of cancer. For those individuals concerned about developing melanoma from sun exposure, research now concludes that UVB radiation from the sun actually protects against melanoma. Note: high level doses of vitamin D should be monitored by a medical doctor in order to determine optimum blood serum levels. Taking too much vitamin D over an extended period of time can result in excess build up of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia). Sitting in the sun will not cause this due to the self-regulating mechanisms of the body

Vitamin D-3 for daily use at 2,000 IU per drop in liquid drop form as - Liqui-D3, by Rx Vitamins - - (800)383-6008

Vitamin D3 at Therapeutic Doses - BioTech Pharmacal - (800)345-1199 or They sell a 100 capsule bottle, each capsule is 50,000 IU. Doses at this level should only be used under supervision of a medical doctor where blood serum levels can be monitored. There are dozens of suppliers vit D3 so search for your own preferred supplier.

Water - it is very important to drink sufficient quantities of pure water each day that is free of chlorine, fluoride and other powerful oxidizers and poisons.  For more information on the importance of water, see the research of Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. , Author of the best-selling book - Your Body's Many Cries for Water.   Dr. B. is deceased, but there is a website with his discoveries and research -
Liquid Zeolite - removes heavy metals and toxins from the body. Removing toxins is an important step in any detox, anti-cancer or wellness program. For product information and to order, contact -
Total Zeolite - with zeolite particles in the Nanometer range for maximum effective surface area for binding with toxins such as heavy metals, mercury, lead, etc.

Brain Cancer Treatment 

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski Clinic - medical breakthrough in Brain Tumor treatment in FDA supervised trials of  Anti-neoplaston therapy -   No Radiation, No Chemotherapy, Non-toxic therapy that is proven at least 7 times more successful than mainstream approaches.  Many astounding recoveries from advanced brain cancers, liver cancer,  breast and prostate cancer.  This therapy uses a group of naturally occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives known as antineoplastons.  Dr. Burzynski has pioneered research on antineoplastons showing that they act as molecular switches, “turning on” genes that suppress tumor growth and “turning off” genes that promote tumor growth.

Breast Cancer

Light Induced Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia - information and video of an amazing breakthrough in breast cancer and skin cancer treatment (including melanoma) with laser photo-therapy.  Results are claimed to be very fast and the therapy has no side-effects.  No radiation, no surgery, no chemotherapy.

Breast Thermography - using digital infrared imaging cameras to detect subtle temperature differences in normal versus cancerous tissues. Highly accurate and non-invasive. To ensure the best results, you need to locate a clinic using the most recent computerized equipment and qualified technicians. There is an independent, third party organization that has compiled a listing of the best Thermography testing centers around the United States. This is called the International Academy of Clinical Thermology - the website with links to Thermography centers is -

For more information on breast thermography, see the link below.

Vitamin D-3 - numerous studies have revealed the tremendous value of vitamin D-3 in the prevention of breast cancer and reductions in the spread of existing breast cancer. What is the best way to get adequate amounts of the correct form of vitamin D? particular, the UVB rays which trigger the formation of protective vitamin D-3 sulfate in your skin. Your internal organs covert the vitamin D circulating in your bloodstream into the activated form of vitamin D called Calcitriol, which is protective against cancer activity. Optimum vitamin D blood serum levels are now believed to be in the range of 50 to 70 nanograms per milliliter of blood. Daily supplementation of vitamin D-3 to achieve these blood serum levels requires at least 8,000 IU per day. Alternately, one would need daily skin exposure to sunlight with as much of the bare skin exposed as possible...Not just your face or arms. Summer time exposures of 10 to 15 minutes per day may be sufficient provided your sunning times are from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This is the time of day when the UVB rays are most plentiful. The UVB is the part that the body uses to produce vitamin D-3. The UVA is more deeply penetrating and is the part of sunlight that promotes skin aging and wrinkling. Adequate time exposure is indicated when the skin shows just a bit of pink or coloration. With the lack of sunlight during Winter months, one can use a safe sun tanning bed which limits UVA output. Blood tests are the only accurate means of determining the desired vitamin D-3 levels. Read more about the anti-cancer benefits of vitamin D at - - Note: high level doses of vitamin D should be monitored by a medical doctor in order to determine optimum blood serum levels. Taking too much vitamin D over an extended period of time can result in excess build up of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia). Sitting in the sun will not cause this due to the self-regulating mechanisms of the body.

Breast Defend - by EcoNugenics - all natural formula including medicinal mushrooms, DIM, Curcumin, astragalus, quercetin and more. Some research combines this with Pecta-Sol-C for improved results. Look for these on the internet or health food stores.
Cessiac(Essiac) Supplier -
CLA - conjugated linoleic acid - an Omega 6 fatty acid - (found in high levels in organic dairy & range fed red meat) available in capsule form - Tonalin Brand of CLA - has been shown to inhibit growth of breast cancer and inhibit tumor growth and metastasis in existing cancers.  Generally recommended dosage is 3 grams a day (3 or 4 capsules).

Coenzyme Q10 - some studies have shown positive results in partial or complete regression of breast cancer tumors.  A bio-available form is called QMelt that dissolves in your mouth like a mint.  Available in many health food stores. Article -

DIM - diindolylmethane - (Dim is the concentrated cancer-fighting substance found in cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli ) DIM improves estrogen metabolism by increasing the level of good estrogens (2-hydroxyestrogen) while reducing the 16-hydroxyestrogen. BioResponse - or Indoplex at (800)634-1380

DIM Research - breast cancer, prostate, lung ( diindolylmethane / IC-3) - 

Exercise - moderate exercise of 150 to 300 minutes per week has been shown statistically to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer (as well as other types of cancer). There may be a number of reasons for this benefit. For instance, exercise will lower insulin levels in the body and chronically high insulin levels are a risk factor for breast cancer. Exercise also reduces estrogen levels and this can reduce the influence of estrogen dependent cancers.
Folate - there is a link between alcohol consumption and increased breast cancer risk.  A study in Australia examined breast cancer rates in 14,447 women and found that alcohol consumption only heightened risk if women were also defficient in Folate (lacking Folic Acid).  Folate plays a critical role in DNA repair.

Iodine - Japanese and Icelandic women have among the world's lowest incidence of breast cancer.  They also have the highest dietary levels of Iodine.  Dr. Guy Abraham, former professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and endocrinology at the UCLA School of Medicine has studied Iodine for many years.  He believes the RDA - recommended daily allowance for Iodine is much too low at 150 micrograms per day for adults.  Dr. Abraham recommends an optimum level of 12.5 milligrams per day.  (the average daily intake of Iodine in Japan is 13.8 milligrams).   Different tissues in the body prefer different forms of Iodine.  For example, the Thyroid Gland concentrates the Iodide form, while the Breasts concentrate the Iodine form.  Therefore, both forms are needed for the body.  Sources: Dr. Abraham's formula called - Iodoral - 1 table daily contains 5 milligrams of iodine and 7.5 milligrams of iodide, which is the ideal combination. This is the same ratio as found in Lugol's Solution (available by prescription only). Iodoral is available from compounding pharmacies, some health stores, and from Tahoma Clinic Dispensary - (425)264-0051 or  Another formula is called Triodide (in liquid form).  Triodid is also available from Tahoma Clinic and some Health Stores.  Triodide is combined with a sea vegetable called bladderwrack, used to treat thyroid problems. Taking large quantities of iodine for extended periods can suppress thyroid function. It is a good idea to monitor your Thyroid levels with your physician when using long-term iodine supplementation.  These doctors state they have not seen thyroid suppression with these dosages.
Modified Citrus Pectin - is said to inhibit cancer metastasis (spreading of cancer) Note: do not use regular powdered fruit pectin found in health food need the specially formulated MCP - MPC is comepletely non-toxic and is well-tolerated. side effects may be only minor bloating or intestinal gas, due to the fiber content. May have improved results when combined with a product called - Breast Defend - .
Pectasol-C - Modified Citrus Pectin - EcoNugenics - main U.S. distributor - (800)521-0160. Detailed information on the newest product called PectaSol-C is available at:
Melatonin - an interesting correlation found that female night shift workers have a 50 percent greater risk of developing breast cancer than daytime workers.  The key factor was a decreased production of melatonin, which the body produces mainly in the dark.  Also, women who slept nine or more hours a night had a smaller chance of developing breast cancer.  A similar correlation was found in male night-shift workers vs. day workers and the development of prostate cancers.  It appears that melatonin may offer protection against cancers in women and men.

Mistletoe - read this article about the research of German Bio-physicist, Fritz-Albert Popp and his discoveries of bio-photons and health. How a mistletoe preparation cured a young woman's breast cancer with no other treatments. -
Poly MVA - Electrogenetics | Garnett McKeen Laboratory, Inc.| Research News -
Poly MVA - supplier source - - Developed by leading biochemist and pioneering researcher, Dr. Merrill Garnett, Poly-MVA is the first in a new category of supplements called Palladium Lipoic complexes (LaPd). A proprietary blend of palladium, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins B1, B2 and B12, and specific trace minerals and amino acids, Poly-MVA represents a significant breakthrough in supplement formulation. Electrogenetics is the basis for designing medicines that can short circuit the electrical charges in cancer cells and produce their selective electrocution. 

Turmeric - this common Indian cooking spice is a powerful immune-boosting, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. When combined with bioflavenoids, Curcumin ( a compound found in Turmeric) was shown to inhibit the growth of estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells by up to 95 percent. Citation - (Environ Health Perspect 98;106(12): pp. 807-12.
Tetracycline - recent research shows that the anti-biotic, tetracycline blocks an enzyme called MMP that destroys collagen and other proteins that hold cells together, which makes it easier for cancer to invade and spread to other areas of the body. By blocking MMP, tetracycline helps prevent metastasis (spread) of cancer to bones and other tissues. In one study on mice with breast cancer, tetracycline reduced the spread of cancer by an amazing 70 percent. This is an incredibly inexpensive and effective treatment for inhibiting the spread of cancer. This can help to buy time for patients.
Liquid Zeolite - removes heavy metals and toxins from the body. Removing toxins is an important step in any detox, anti-cancer or wellness program. For product information and to order, contact -

Supplement Sources - Transformation Technologies does not sell Vitamins or any other supplements. There are many potential sources for your supplement needs. This listing is not all inclusive is not a personal endorsement of these companies or product quality.

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